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Being part of the vPad-A1 family, vPad-BP can be upgraded to include a Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator (vPad-PS) and/or SpO2 Simulator (vPad-O2)
- Compatible with all major industry manufacturers
- Field editable Envelopes allow for easy set up of new patient monitors
- Unlimited preset NIBP simulations (Adult and Neonatal)
- Manometer Mode, Over Pressure, and Leakage Testing
- Easy to navigate
- Auto-Sequences
- Test report creation and management
- Field upgradeable
- Control via Bluetooth or USB
Standard Apps


Record Manager
View/Print/Convert and Copy Test Reports.
Record Manager provides direct access to all test reports created by the vPad Apps. Reports can be reviewed on screen. In addition, reports can be converted to PDF documents; printed to a wireless printer; or copied to USB or a Bluetooth device (PC) one at a time, or in user-selected groups. Test records can also be transferred directly to DropboxTM, box, Google Drive and OneDrive. File management has never been so easy or complete on a basic manual safety tester.

If you use the vPad-A1, then this is the only App you'll need!
Comes standard with every vPad-A1, vPad-O2, vPad-PS, and vPad-BP, the vPad-A1 is installed with a huge number of preconfigured settings out of the box. With functions for user programmable SpO2 R Curves and NIBP envelopes built-in, vPad-A1 is creating flexibility that has never been seen before. Like many other Apps offered in the vPad family, capability for Auto Sequences comes standard!

Fukuda Denshi NIBP Hose Tubing Adapter

NIBP Hose Tubing Adapter Kit
vPad-A1 Accessory Kit

vPad-A1 Accessory Kit, BR

vPad-A1 Accessory Kit, NA

vPad-A1 Accessory Kit, Europe

vPad-A1 Accessory Kit, UK/Malaysia

vPad-A1 Accessory Kit, AU/CN

vPad-A1 Accessory Kit, India