Get More Functionality with vPad Apps
All vPad products come with standard Apps installed and optional Apps can be added.
Standard Apps



Datrend Docs
Save, Store and Find Technical Documents.

Record Manager
View/Print/Convert and Copy Test Reports.
Record Manager provides direct access to all test reports created by the vPad Apps. Reports can be reviewed on screen. In addition, reports can be converted to PDF documents; printed to a wireless printer; or copied to USB or a Bluetooth device (PC) one at a time, or in user-selected groups. Test records can also be transferred directly to DropboxTM, box, Google Drive and OneDrive. File management has never been so easy or complete on a basic manual safety tester.

If you use the vPad-A1, then this is the only App you'll need!
Comes standard with every vPad-A1, vPad-O2, vPad-PS, and vPad-BP, the vPad-A1 is installed with a huge number of preconfigured settings out of the box. With functions for user programmable SpO2 R Curves and NIBP envelopes built-in, vPad-A1 is creating flexibility that has never been seen before. Like many other Apps offered in the vPad family, capability for Auto Sequences comes standard!

Begin your Vision-Pad Experience with a new standard in Electrical Safety Testing.
vPad-ES provides basic electrical safety testing in a new, rich graphical environment using an Android tablet. Testing can be done following the requirements of IEC 60601 or AAMI-ES1 standards. Operated through a 10.1″ Android tablet, intuitive user interface, a 25-point physical inspection checklist, and the ability to create test records on the go, running electrical safety tests has never been so easy!

Enables real-time testing of airflow, humidity, sound & temperatures.
vPad-INR enables users to take measurements and capture data using all of vPad-IN sensors without waiting hours (IEC standards) for steady state temperature readings – ideal for when called into the ICU to diagnose a fault on an incubator.

Taking vPad-353 to the New Levels!
vPad-623 is a second-generation Android App to run on either the vPad-ES 2 or the vPad-Rugged 2. Improvements were made to fully support testing in accordance with IEC 62353 using the Direct, the Alternate, and the Differential Leakage Testing methods. As individual tests are made, a test record is created in internal memory. The results can be viewed at any time or saved to a test report file for printing or distribution. A 25-point, fixed format physical inspection procedure is standard, and forms part of the final test report. Basic electrical safety testing has never been so easy!

Begin your Vision-Pad Experience with a new standard in 'Basic' Manual Testing.
vPad-353 was specifically designed to provide basic electrical safety tests following the requirements of IEC 62353. It is an industry-first to offering an advanced electrical safety analyzer that’s simple to operate through its built-in 10.1″ Android tablet.
Optional Apps

vPad-Mini Test Automation

vPad-Mini Test Record Management





One App for all standards
Available on the vPad-ES2 & Rugged 2 platforms, vPad-EQT provides an integrated, stand-alone solution for electrical safety testing, visual inspection and performance testing of all types of equipment. The app implements automated safety testing according to the IEC62353, IEC60601, IEC61010 and NFPA99 standards and provides a basic level of visual inspection and performance test capability with a built-in checklist interpreter. A system of equipment records is maintained by the app, enabling immediate recall of equipment information and test.

Expand your Inspection Capabilities, Standardize your Test Methods, and Reduce Testing Times.
The vPad-AS is an automation application for the vPad-ES and ES 2, vPad-Rugged and Rugged 2 Electrical Safety Analyzers. This App provides the ability to automate the electrical safety test the way you require, to the Standard you want. Automation sequences, to follow the required Standard, can be created for as many scenarios as you can envisage, with no restrictions. These auto sequences can be named to your preference, with an additional description field to provide details of what the auto sequence entails – no more guessing. Test Instructions can be displayed, along with pictures or video to describe what to do during the test. In addition to this flexibility in creating electrical safety auto sequences, an Equipment Inspection, up to 50 steps, can also be tailored to your needs.

Customized Auto Sequences in accordance with IEC 62353.
vPad-A6 is an automated Electrical Safety Testing App designed to use and/or create automated electrical safety tests in accordance with IEC 62353. By creating and customizing auto sequences, users can categorize their managed inventory into grouped tests, allowing for consistency and repeatability. Including a test is as simple as selecting a check-box.

Electrical Safety Automation Testing in accordance to NFPA-99.
The vPad-NFPA has now become the go-to-method for Electrical Safety Testing in North America. This automation application for the vPad-ES and ES 2, vPad-Rugged and Rugged 2 has helped many organisations standardize testing on the equipment they manage. Not only could organisations control the type of tests they do through simple test selections, but they could also set higher pass/fail tolerances to further increase patient safety. Automation Apps such as vPad-NFPA has helped organisations large and small to standardize their testing, delivering a higher-level of quality and consistency.

Automate your IEC 62353 testing.
vPad-A3 is part of the first generation vPad solution where it provided automation to IEC 62353 testing. It was supported on the vPad-353 and vPad-ES Rugged systems.

Create Automated Electrical Safety Tests.
vPad-STM™ is a software application (App) which may be installed on vPad-ES 2™ and vPad-Rugged 2™ electrical safety analyzers, and which may be used in conjunction with vPad-AS™ and/or vPad-A6™ Apps to create automated electrical safety tests of arbitrary complexity. Such tests may be required when evaluating electrical safety of medical devices in full conformance with IEC standards.
vPad-STM provides these benefits when combined with the test capabilities of vPad-AS and vPad-A6:
- Perform IEC electrical safety tests of equipment providing a variety of medical functions, where each medical function may have a differing number of applied parts (patient leads) and protection class (Type B, BF or CF)
- Perform tests which combine measurements from different IEC safety standards, for example, perform leakage testing per IEC60601 in combination with insulation resistance testing per IEC62353
- Perform electrical safety tests in accordance with Edition 2 of IEC60601, instead of Edition 3 which is the default used by vPad-AS when the “limits per standard” setting is enabled

The Ultimate Level of Automation.
Using a script based Checklist, the autosequence can now be any number of tasks, in any order, with pass/fail limits applied. Individual tasks can be almost anything: inspect, measure, pass/fail, electrical safety sequence (vPad-AS, vPad-NFPA or vPad-A6), etc. You will even be able to control other devices either wired or wirelessly, and import their test results. You can now create the test you want.

Tracks the Test Equipment Inventory, its Calibration Status, and includes this information in Tests Records.
As accreditation requirements change, the need to follow the tenets of the Quality Systems approach to all aspects of medical device maintenance is becoming the norm. One of these tenets is traceability. One of the requirements of a good, traceable service, preventive maintenance and calibration program is the ability to demonstrate that the work was performed using appropriate, calibrated test instruments. vPad-Cal provides a tool to track the test equipment inventory, its calibration status, and include this information in the test record for a device through the use of vPad-Check.

vPad-PM Tag
PM Label Printing Solution
This App is used to print preventive maintenance (PM) tags or labels from previously-saved test records through XBUS Smart Cable (XSC) accessories.

Equipment and Work Order Management system.
vPad-EQM is a simple and easy-to-use equipment manager app for your vPad system. Import your equipment information from any asset program that can create an Excel spreadsheet, or create it on-the-go as you encounter the equipment. Trace your work through work orders and test reports.

Convert Files to be Ready in Almost any Program.
vPad creates test reports in a text file format. vPad-XPORT can convert those files into a format that is compatible with your CMMS program. Currently, vPad-XPORT supports CSV, XML and MUP file formats, but if you can define your needs, we can probably create a conversion that works for your organization. Works in conjunction with vPad-mT.

Export Medtester Files to a vPad Compatible File.
If you are currently working with a CMMS program that produces medTester export files, vPad-mT will convert the files (MTEXPORT.ITM, MTEXPORT.LST, MTEXPORT.IDN) into a vPad-Check compatible file. (Pre-requisite: vPad-Check)

Customizable Security for your vPad Tablet.
vPad-Secure is a multi-level security App for the vPad Platform, designed for organizations who need the ability to control workflow from a central location. With four levels of security, vPad-Secure enables administrators to set the level of access available to users of the vPad system. Download the vPad Secure Brochure to learn more.

This App enables biomedical technicians to test medical thermometers, temperature probes, and temperature displays.
Using the vPad-IN Oven, this App controls the oven, creates test records, and works independently from the vPad-IN system.

Automation App for testing Transporting Incubators

Automation App for testing Radiant Warmers

Phoenix Data Systems AIMS CMMS Interface App

Connectiv CMMS Interface App

Medimizer CMMS Interface App

CMMS Interface for Softpro Medical Systems Medusa CMMS System

CMMS Interface App for TMA

vPad-RW, vPad-TI, vPad-TMP

Test Automation and Record Management Package

vPad-EQT, vPad-Check

vPad-EQM, vPad-Check

vPad-EQT, vPad-EQM + CMMS Interface App

vPad-EQT, vPad-Check, vPad-EQM

vPad-EQT, vPad-Check, vPad-EQM + CMMS Interface App

vPad-Check, vPad-EQM, CMMS

vPad-AS, vPad-Check, vPad-Cal

vPad-A6, vPad-Check, vPad-Cal

vPad-NFPA, vPad-Check, vPad-Cal

vPad-mT, vPad-Check, vPad-AIMS

vPad-EQM, vPad-Check, CMX

vPad-mT, vPad-Check, vPad-TMA

vPad-mT, vPad-Check, vPad-HEMS

vPad-EQM, vPad-Check, vPad-MC

vPad-EQM, vPad-Check, vPad-MEMRI

vPad-mT, vPad-Check, vPad-MediMizer

vPad-mT, vPad-Check, vPad-XPORT, CMX

vPad-Check, vPad-Nuvolo